I recently was to acquire a dedicated server provider SoYouStart (to the end I decided on another provider), however they do not work with stock available, otherwise progressively being pulled lots of servers (some used) and placed at the disposal and as much demand them go fast, starting with the most cheaper so it is quite difficult to get one, the first two days I spent updating the website all the time, and then I got this script which will improve and place a bit more functionality, my version lets you send emails locally (faster) or choose to use Mandrill App (a web service to send emails) if the script is running from a provider who has forbidden him to send emails directly (blocked SMTP).
Choosing the server type for the script
To choose the type of server, you simply use the inspector of your browser (I use firefox) and see the code for each server (you can use more in the script), right click on the item / Inspect Element.
Setting up Environment for the use of Mandrill App (Optional)
Install Composer
curl -s http://getcomposer.org/installer | php
mv composer.phar /usr/sbin/composer
Install Mandrill apps dependency
Create composer.json file with the following content:
“require”: {
“mandrill/mandrill”: “1.0.*”
Install dependencies
composer install
The script:
Simply place the script to run on a cron to run periodically and sit and wait for your email