I’am Edwind Richzendy Contreras Soto, I’m Fedora Project ambassador and well packaged for Fedora, I have several years using this Linux distribution, as well as for several years I used the Debian distribution.
I am a college graduate in Electronics however i work in the area Linux and servers, this work around since 2005 and use Linux since about 2002.
You can find me regularly in the IRC chat on networks:
1. irc.freenode.org (IRC Network OpenSource Project)
2. irc.unplug.org.ve (Venezuelan IRC Network)
If you want help me, you can use any refereral code below, to access some of the services we use and recommend, in those who are paid to you is not a further cost if you buy something, give me my change to a commission on your purchase and those that are free services I earn expanding the limits of my my account:
- Digital Ocean, VPS servers: https://www.digitalocean.com/?refcode=8397103400c5
- A2hosting, the best shared webhosting i’ve had – https://www.a2hosting.com/refer/14670
- Uphold, if you need interchange between real money and crypto assets: https://join.uphold.com/?kid=WKAPY
If you need contact me for any reason, please use this form: